Friday, July 21, 2006

And a spoon...please!

My latest indulgence...

Yep, Wednesday night I had a crazy craving for ice cream - after I slept when I got home from work instead of meeting Chris at the gym. So what does the best husband EVER do???

"Get in the car...I'll take you" (he says this slow, totally giving me a chance to guilt out, but nah, not this time!)

So we're at Publix, staring at the walls of ice cream - really a danger zone for preggos! They should just rope it off or something. I would have bought 6 gallons if I didn't have Chris there talking me out of chocolate covered cherry, brownie, etc. ANYWAYS, I settled (more like wrestled my willpower) for a pint of this dairy goodness, reluctantly handed it to the cashier to scan - yes, fear of it leaving my posession while my mouth watered!

Oh, and the best part... I asked Chris to find a spoon...for the ride home...of course! You should have seen his face..."Are you serious"! So there's this look I gave him, like "are you really questioning this?" He found a spoon - bless his heart.
Yeah, I nailed it (as my Dad would say to his favorite dessert)! It was yummy, and so worth the crazy cost of gas to go get it!!!

So CHEERS to Blue Bell Strawberry Heaven in my belly!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A Great ComeBack

Well, what's been going on??? Sooooo much in the Holloway world - keep reading!

All in a week...

We flew to Philly to see some great friends of ours get married. It was awesome, and we got to hang out in this great little town called Media, and help setup and be a part of their really cool celebration. Loooong weekend, GREAT band, lots of beer (not for me of course!) and a killer hangover for Chris - ha ha!

Next was the 4th of July...a holiday I just think was meant to be spent on the beach. Chris and I walked Hallie down to our beach and sat on the boardwalk to watch fireworks in both directions, talking about our crazy weekend. Too cool.

The best part???? I knew Rachael was flying over the state, and headed towards Tampa - excitement boiling, legs flinching, so ready to see her family. Final destination - HOME and out of the Ukraine! Priceless :)

Par-tay for Rach! Saturday we hung out at Mom's and welcomed everyone to stop by and say Hi and welcome her back. We had tons of people, lots of food. She shared lots of stories, and awesome gifts - it was great.

So she's back!!!!!!!!!! And about to take on another great adorable puppy that we went to visit once she got back. As if the Ukrainian life wasn't hectic enough (no showers, angry Russians, scary food, walking for miles, freezing cold, and lots of sacrifices we could NEVER imagine), she's welcoming a new addition of which I think she will be wonderful with - Sophie, her new puppy.